150 Years of Gears

150 Years of the Bicycle

The Longmont, Colorado Museum and Cultural Center is hosting an exhibit of 150 years of bicycles through July 3.

Included are Ron Kiefel, Andy Hampsten and Davis Phinney bikes and jerseys from the 7-Eleven team days as well as a decorative Asian pedicab, banana seat bike from the 50s, early 1900s bikes and accessories to a 1960s space-race inspired tricycle.

150 Years of Gears
Old photo of cyclists
1885 Victor High Wheel Bike
Asian Rickshaw
Goggles etc

Asian Pedicab

Delta Lights 4 seater tandem photo of 4 seater tandem Red Sky King Tricycle Sky King Tricycle Banana seat bike Banana seat bike

Marianne Martin First Women's Tour de France winner

Marianne Martin first women’s Tour de France winner

Andy Hampsten Giro d'Italia winning bike
Ron Kiefel 7-11 bike and jersey and photos

Andy Hampsten Giro d’Italia winning bike     Ron Kiefel 7-11 bike & jersey

Coors Classic