This one is a blog. Getting to the Tour in the middle of the race when it goes over very small roads and there’s only one way in and out to Mont Saint Michel is was a challenge. No surprise there.
My flight from Chicago to Paris was a couple of hours late and then the wait to get the rental car was long. Finally got to Avranches in about three hours and actually found my way into the start accidentally the back way through the town. I got my credential and car pass easily and was able to photograph the last 10 riders. It got challenging from there. I was behind the Fin de Course gendarmerie truck and quickly lost them. Then I was following a BMC team car when a volunteer at a fork in the road directed us the wrong way, off the course. We got stuck behind several campers that were too wide for the road and couldn’t budge. After finally getting around them and passing on another small road, it was back to traffic jams. It ended up taking 2 hours to get from Avranches to Mont Saint Michel, 30 kilometers. It should have taken less than 20 minutes!
But back to the race. Froome held onto the yellow jersey through the time trial and wore it in stage 12.