The fallout continues from Floyd Landis’ admission of doping.
Nearly everyone in cycling is denying everything. There seems to be a war of words between Lance and Floyd and the other top cyclists. Some are saying that Floyd wanted a place on the Radio Shack team in return for keeping quiet. Others are saying that he’s angry that his cycling team wasn’t allowed to race in Tour of California. Others are saying he’s drunk or that they don’t know what his motivation is. He says he’s just tired of lying and wanted to come clean.
Brent Kay, Landis’ former coach, strongly advised Floyd not to do this.
The only one who appears happy is Pierre Boudry of the AFLD (French anti doping agency) who is feeling vindicated by Floyd’s admission.
Jonathan Vaughers has promised for years a clean cycling team. If any of these accusations are true, they happened before Dave Zabriske was on his team. He feels confidant that Dave is clean.