Marco Haller hit by car and out of racing for months

KATUSHA ALPECIN’s Marco Haller has suffered multiple fractures of the left knee after a car hit him on Austrian roads. The accident occurred on Wednesday 18 April while the Austrian rider was training with his colleague-rider Bernhard Eisel on Carinthian roads. Haller will not be able to race in the coming months. The 27-year-old rider should have been one of the key riders in the lead out train for sprinter Marcel Kittel in the upcoming Tour de France.

“It was my second day back on the bike, after I had to recover from a second viral infection in the 2018 season,” explained Marco Haller from the hospital, the Landeskrankenhaus in Villach. “I was riding with Bernie Eisel and was sitting in his wheel in a slight downhill, when suddenly a car, ignoring the stop sign, came at us from the right. Bernie just managed to escape him, but I could not do that and hit the driver’s door at full speed. My bike was completely destroyed and my knee as well.”

Marco Haller was transferred to the hospital where he was diagnosed with a double fracture of the knee cap. Further tests revealed a fracture of the lateral side of the left femur, as well.

“I am very disappointed. Not only at missing the Tour de France but also because of – again – the attitude of some car drivers. Cars and cyclists share the road but this seems to be more and more difficult. Some mentality needs to change,” said Haller.

As soon as Marco Haller can leave the hospital, he will start his rehabilitation at the Therapiezentrum Hans Friedl in Munich. It is unclear when Marco Haller will be able to resume competition. Further updates will be reported through the team’s website and social media.