Lance Armstrong and Frankie Andreu are in a new controversy after Lance said that Frankie had doped during most of career. His September US federal court statements were just made public.

1999 Tour de France Armstrong and Andreu
“This is absolutely false” , Andreu said in USA Today Wednesday: “I ran by being completely ‘clean’ for a long time and during the period when I took EPO was intermittently. That does not excuse my decision was wrong. “

Vandevelde, Armstrong, Hamilton, Andreu, 1999 Tour de France. Who in this photo has not doped?
Andreu used EPO to prepare for the Tour de France 1999, though reports of his doping usage were known at least as early as 1998.

They were teammates on the 1992-1996 Motorola team and the US Postal from 1998 – 2000. They were friends and Frankie Andreu until his wife Betsy became the US Anti-Doping Committee (USADA) opposition to establish that Arsmtrong Lance had doped throughout his career. “I do not understand why we are so obsessed with Lance” said Betsy Andreu. “We do not want him to apologize but stop lying. Who should we believe between a pathological liar and people who repeat the truth for over a decade?”

Then again, why does she refuse to admit the rest of the doping cyclists on the teams?

Andreu leading Julich, Hincapie, Armstrong and rest of Motorla team in 1995 Tour Du Pont. Again, who in this team hasn’t doped??