The works of the 65-year-old local artist will be highlighted in the GF Gimondi’s traditional exhibition coordinated by the Creberg Foundation in Bergamo.

Photo: “Bergamo Alta” painting by Fabio Agliardi.
The breath-taking landscapes, the taste of the challenge and sharing the cycling passion will be once again the key points of the next Granfondo Internazionale Felice Gimondi Bianchi on May 7th in Bergamo, on the classic long (162,1 km), medium (128,8 km) and short routes (89,4 km). The OC will give the participants something more than beautiful racing: “something” that goes beyond sport to move towards the art.
Thanks to the established collaboration with the Creberg Foundation, also the 21st edition of Granfondo Gimondi – Bianchi is linked with an artist from Bergamo. Under the personal coordination of Creberg Foundation’s General Secretary Angelo Piazzoli, the organizers chose painter Fabio Agliardi’s artworks to be exhibited on the occasion of the GF Gimondi Bianchi’s official presentation in Creberg Bergamo’s Sala Traini next April 12th and during the race week-end in Lazzaretto, the historical building that hostes the Felice Gimondi race village in the heart of Bergamo.
Born in Pontirolo Nuovo (Bergamo’s nearbies) on November 12th, 1952, Agliardi studied at the Andrea Fantoni Art School in Bergamo. Resident in Azzano San Paolo between 1975 and 1995, Agliardi met and hung out with local artists like Negroni, Oliva, Merisio, Capitanio and above all Cecco Previtali. The latter played a key role in his artistic growth. In 1986 he joined the Circolo Artistico Bergamasco (Bergamo’s Arts Circle): former Secretary of this association of cultural promotion, actually Agliardi stands in the Board of directors. Founder of the Gruppo Pittori Scultori Azzanesi (Azzano’s Painters and Sculptors) thirty years ago, Agliardi lives in his “home and studio” in Brusaporto since 2006.
Agliardi took part in several painting contests, achieving awards and gratifying recognitions. His paintings were also highlighted in personal and group shows, even beyond the Lombardy region. Some of his canvas are actually part of the Fondazione Credito Bergamasco’s collection, stored in the Museum of Sacred Art and Culture in Romano di Lombardia (Bergamo) e in public institutions’ headquarters.
How to register for 2017 Granfondo Gimondi Bianchi
The Granfondo Internazionale Felice Gimondi Bianchi’s official presentation and the race day are quickly approaching. Who has not registered for the Granfondo Gimondi-Bianchi’s 21st edition yet, can do it filling out the dedicated online form on the official website, or at the G.M. Sport Office in Via G. Da Campione, 24/c – 24124 Bergamo (tel. +39 035.211721 – fax + 39 035.4227971). For a few more days, until March 31st, riders will still be able to register at the discounted rate of 35€.
Bergamo, March 29th, 2017