There is a great atmosphere in Zipaquirà, 50 km North of Colombian capital city Bogotà, where Team Colombia has gathered since December 5th for the first training camp of the 2013 season. The 17 team riders (Leonardo Duque remained in France to stay with his wife and new-born son Eduardo) will be working with General Manager Claudio Corti and Sports Directors Valerio Tebaldi, Oscar Pellicioli and Oliverio Rincon until December 12th, taking advantage of the altitude and of the more favorable South-American climate this time of the year.
On Thursday and Friday, the Team underwent the functional evaluation, oxygen consumption and lactic acid tests at the Centro de Alto Rendimiento in Bogotà. “The test showed coherency between the training schedule and the current degree of condition – explained Team Doctor Massimiliano Mantovani, who presided over the testing session. “The comparison with last year’s result also gave a positive outlook, and on this basis we will set up the new training programs to get the riders in optimal condition by the season beginning. I wish to thank Dr. Edgar Galeano from the Centro de Alto de Rendimiento, who help us in running the tests.”
The technical staff also provided positive feedback: “Our guys clearly did their homework – Sports Director Oscar Pellicioli said – we found them in good condition, and the newcomers look ready and focused on the new year. I think we are building on a good basis.”
The five riders taking their first experience in Claudio Corti’s team camp stand among the positives: Juan Esteban Arango, Edwin Avila, Alexis Camacho, Duber Quintero and Juan Pablo Valencia found an immediate connection with the rest of the team. Training, meeting and eventually playing soccer together in their spare time, the team looks strong and committed as ever.
“Being an all-Colombian team, riders had a chance to meet each other at some point in their development, and that helped create a positive atmosphere right away – Sports Director Tebaldi explained – but their approach can’t be played down: they showed humility and commitment to make the best out of this new adventure. Avila started an online Italian class a couple of months ago, and the first results are starting to show…”
On Saturday afternoon, the Team were guests at the house of Juan Pablo Forero in Tubio – Colombia Coldeportes rider in 2012, racing for Colombia-Claro in 2013 – who organized a wonderful party with Asado (typical South-american plate made of broiled beef). A beautiful gathering that further strengthened personal bonds between the team components: if making up a “real” team was the main focus of the camp, Claudio Corti has plenty of good reasons to smile.