“I have never participated in any doping activity and I am innocent of all charges,” read a statement on Bruyneel’s personal website. “I am dismayed that once again doping allegations have been raised against me, this time by USADA.
“Following a Department of Justice Grand Jury investigation, no charges were filed against me. It cannot be right that I or anyone else can be pursued from court to court simply because our accusers do not like the decisions made along the way and so attempt to find a court which will get them the result they want.”
Bruyneel has the right to file a written statement to the USADA Anti-Doping Review Board by June 22, 2012 regarding the allegations in the USADA letter.
USADA protocol calls for a written submittal to its Anti-Doping Review Board about the doping allegations. That Review Board will decide if there’s enough evidence to proceed with adjudication process. The respondents have a right to a hearing if proceedings advance beyond Anti-Doping Review Board. A hearing date should take place prior to November, 2012. It could takes months and then they’ll have to go before an arbitration panel which will hear the evidence.
“I shall of course cooperate fully with the investigation, although I have no doubt the end result will be the same as all the other investigations over the years,” said Bruyneel.