Photographs and artwork on the website are available for purchase for various uses that include display art prints, advertising, web, calendars, books, and editorial. Copies either electronic or print can be requested by contacting us directly and we will handle all requests with the appropriate photographer or artist. Prices will vary depending upon the type of usage, media, application and other criteria.
The photos that appear on this website are for viewing only. Please enjoy them here and respect the hard work, expense and talent of each of the artists and photographers.
The artwork and photos are all copyright protected by International copyright law, and may not be copied, scanned or reproduced in any form for any purpose without express written permission from the copyright holder in the form of an invoice from Peloton Post stating the agreed upon usage fee, the rights granted, as well as receipt of payment in full for said invoice. The client shall have only those rights of use as are set out in a negotiated contract.
In the event a copyright infringement is discovered, you will be notified and invoiced the industry standard triple fee for unauthorized usage. Please get in touch immediately to help clarify the usage and terms. If you do not pay this invoice with 14 days, you will be prosecuted for copyright infringement, governed by the laws of the United States, where you will be subject to a fine, per infringement, according to the laws as well as the incurred legal costs for this copyright infringement.