Doping Scandals

August 7, 2010

The former head of the defunct Gerolsteiner team, Hans-Michael Holczer, has accused Levi Leipheimer of most likely having blood doped in 2005, according to an article by AFP.  He was suspect that year on the first Tour rest day and the UCI was looking for a pretext to remove him from the race.

Armstrong’s troubles are continuing.  The New York Times has said that a former teammate has said that Armstrong encouraged doping on the Postal team.  US authorities are investigating.  George Hincapie has to testify next week.  Tyler Hamilton has also been subpoenaed.

According to Cycling News, Lance Armstrong’s lawyer, Brian Daly has said: “We understand that riders may be being offered sweetheart deals to change testimony that they have given in the past, under oath,” Daly said. “The power of the federal government is being abused to pursue dated and discredited allegations, and that’s flat-out wrong, unethical, un-American, and a waste of taxpayer dollars.”