Lotto Soudal is very happy to announce that Kris Boeckmans is no longer kept in an induced coma and that the recovery is evolving positively. After the ECMO treatment was stopped and the drain was removed from the thorax, the past 48 hours the tracheal cannula in the trachea was taken away, the external oxygen supply and the anesthesia in function of the induced coma were phased out and stopped.
Aforementioned steps have passed without complications, that’s why Kris has awakened out of his coma. The attending doctors took a detailed scan of the whole body, just as a matter of control and to trace possible hidden injuries. No other injuries then the ones mentioned before, were detected.
This positive evaluation made it possible for Kris to talk with his family and the doctors. He remains at the intensive care unit for further observation. One of these days, Kris will be repatriated with a medical flight, accompanied by a doctor and the required equipment. Afterwards he will be brought to a Belgian hospital for further recovery. The rib fractures will have to heal in a natural way. Also the lung injuries will need their time to evolve. The facial fractures will be treated surgically after a thorough analysis in Belgium.