ASTANA Training Camp News
December 4, 2008 Press Conference
Tenerife, Canary Islands

Lance Armstrong press conference Alberto Contador speaking
Can anyone believe Lance will let another rider win? asked one journalist. He’s not unrealistic. There’s a chance he could be the second or third strongest. He also said he could be in it for just one year, probably two at the most. He has a pretty good idea of his fitness but hasn’t yet tested himself against the others in a race.
His passion for racing was rediscovered while he was training for the Leadville 100 Mountain Bike race in Colorado in August. And after years of study by his cancer foundation, they’ve found that there’s a place around the world for it.
He commented that cycling has always been pro-active but the sport doesn’t get any credit. When cheaters are caught it’s not seen as part of the effort to clean it up. All the sports have a doping problem, not just cycling. “Cycling kind of gets beat up just for trying.”
He began to think this was possible when training for the Leadville 100. It’s an off road 100-mile mountain bike race at altitude. “It’s certainly not the Tour de France. It starts with a blast from a shotgun. Not a normal bike race. What it’s like to be on the start line.” He felt competitive and strong. The tension and intensity reminded him “I still love it.”
There are some similarities to the winter of 1998. A lot has happened since then. He retired in 2005 because he was mentally tired and needed to do something else. He has a lot more experience now and feels just as motivated. There’s more security and he’s more comfortable. At that time he didn’t know if he’d live 5 years or 50. He’s been cancer free for 12 years now.
The French! When asked about any problems with the French: “It’s a relationship, not a problem. Sometimes it’s good and sometimes it’s not so good.” He stayed in Nice for a week before going to Tenerife. At a favorite restaurant, all the people there who were mostly French stood up as he was leaving and cheered him for an 8th win in the Tour. “France isn’t all full of haters.” There have been some problems with some of the press. FDJ director Marc Madiot has called for fans to block the roads if Lance participates in the Tour. Lance said they can come and yell if they want but don’t try to stop the race.
Ex-wife Kristen and kids are like a board of directors. He consults the board. “Kristen is still the most important lady in my life.” If they’d said no, he wouldn’t be doing this. He’s planning to spend as much time in Austin as possible. Mom is his #1 fan and was surprised at the news of his return.
“Change is exploding in the US. How do you feel about what’s happened in the US with Obama and McCain?” Lance said he can’t take a position. He represents a disease that affects both sides. He doesn’t want to isolate 50%. He’s excited about Obama, about the energy he brings to the office. “I’m excited by his intellect and the decisions he’s made with his cabinet and the other people in his administration. He’s committed to health care; he’s committed to cancer. He has a personal connection to this disease.”
Apart from experience, what do you have that Alberto Contador doesn’t have?
“I’m older. I’ve been around longer. I’ve been racing professionally with a couple of breaks since 1992. How old is Alberto? In 1992 he was 10! (Laughter) Scary. With that comes race experience. Obviously he has a tremendous amount of natural talent. He has a tremendous ability to read a race. If he doesn’t, he’s got the best coach and best director in the business in the car, constantly within radio communication.”
What’s the vibe between the two of you?
AC: Contento. Armstrong is a companero.
LC: “It’s not a new relationship. We raced together in 2005 and we have mutual respect for each other. I’m open to whatever happens.” He’s loyal to the team rules of cycling. “It’s pretty simple. I could have won 70 Tours… I can’t say it any stronger. I have a lot of respect for this man. This guy to my left is the best cyclist in the world. It doesn’t get me the right to lead the team. You have to prove that on the road. I think it’s better to keep an open attitude.” The other riders will support whoever is the strongest.
“The media’s been commenting that we’re not training together. We’re in different places in our training. Alberto just had surgery and I have to race in a month. We’re on different programs. That’s totally logical. That shouldn’t lead to any conclusions or polemics.”
He’s always wanted to race the Giro but they were always nervous about changing a program that worked. Now there’s less pressure. This is also a special year for the Giro, its 100th anniversary.
He plans to see all the critical stages beforehand. “It’s a little trickier because of the weather. It’s a May race. I suspect in the Alps you’re going to have tough weather conditions. Some of those stages you can’t see until just before the race, I suppose. The Tour…has the month of June, where the roads are clearing up and you can actually see the passes. My objective so far, the Vesuvio, the long time trial and the stages at the first part, is to definitely go and preview them.”
Of course there had to be doping questions. He’s doing the second doping program with Don Catlin because he doesn’t want to have to keep answering the questions. He was asked to explain the 1999 EPO re-test. He cooperated 100% but Pound and the French government refused to do so. The independent report was released and he was cleared. L’Equipe said “the athlete can’t defend himself because there’s no sample to test”. It was unethical in the first place to bring this up when there was no C sample and no recourse. There’s nothing else he can do. He has made himself available. An AFLD proposal was rejected because they wanted the samples to be open and not covered and their agenda to come after him.
There’s not much he can do. The skeptics will continue. There are those who will be suspect if he wins and those who will be suspect if he loses. He maintains that he has never doped in his life.
There have been no ill effects. “The success of the foundation has been phenomenal. The sponsors, partners and constituents of the foundation are all still there. They haven’t left. We’ve raised $300 million in ten years. We’ve done amazing things.”
Alberto was happy to be training in Tenerife since it’s beautiful, the weather is great, and the people friendly. He thinks the effect of Lance on the team is good. He brings big things. He’s the only rider to ever win the Tour seven times and in succession. The only thing that will happen is to strengthen the team and it’s not a chaotic situation like the press is trying to portray.
Winning the Giro was lucky as he wasn’t even planning to be there. He had to go for the benefit of the team and then it was supposed to be only one week. He got stronger while there and ended up winning.
He trained with Lance in 2005 at Solvang. It was his dream team and an honor to be there. Because of different circumstance he and Yohan couldn’t be together in 2005. Here it’s a pleasure and an honor to be able to ride with Lance. It’s good to be on a team focused on winning at the beginning of the season. He’s not worried about being overwhelmed by Lance’s big personality. He has his own which is necessary to win.
Does it cramp your style with Lance and Alberto?
Levi: “When you’re around the best, you become the best you can be. That’s been my goal throughout my career. To be around a champion like Lance Armstrong and Alberto Contador makes me that much better.”
Andreas: “Me too, yah. For me it doesn’t care. Last year …Yohan gave me a big chance. This year I have so much fun on the team. We have good riders. And not only winning. We have fun. I’m 33. My work for a team, it’s good. I get my own chances this year. I know Lance not so good as Levi. I can learn a lot. He’s really professional. He works so hard in training camp. It’s good for me too.”