Lance Armstrong is doing an “open” and “no holds barred” interview on the Oprah Winfrey show next week, January 17. He is to be interviewed at his house in Austin. He’s expected to admit his faults.

Yesterday on national TV, doping cop Travis Tygart claimed that someone interested in Armstrong allegedly offered $250,000 to USADA. Armstrong’s legal counsel immediately denied those accusations. To this editor, Tygart looked pedantic and not especially credible. Those kinds of dumb tactics backfired on Floyd Landis and I would hope Lance is smarter. It could also have been an unhappy fan if it actually did happen.
Armstrong is taking a big risk talking on national television. He could be brought up on perjury or fraud charges. The maximum fine could be up to 30 years in jail and $1.5 million. Marion Jones had to spend 6 months in jail after she confessed. But all the rest of the cyclists finally confessed after years of not telling the truth, so why would only Lance have to pay all the penalties? Appparently he wants to compete so badly in triathlons, he’s willing to take the risk and pay the price.
The amount he would have to pay The Sunday Times is 1.2 million euros, SCA Promotions wants $7.5 million and the Tour de France wants its money back, around 2.9 million euros. Lance is estimated to be worth nearly $100 million, so it wouldn’t hurt him too much financially.
Oprah will host Lance for 90 minutes. In 2005 he surprised his mom with a visit to Oprah’s house in California. Oprah was her favorite TV personality and since it was a surprise, she had prepared her favorite guacamole recipe to bring to the unknown party and was happily surprised when she discovered who they were visiting!

The interview will be simultaneously streamed live on