There was a big article in yesterday’s Wall Street Journal about the feud between Greg Le Mond and Lance Armstrong. It all started with critical comments made by LeMond in 2001 about Armstrong’s association with controversial doctor Ferrari. Armstrong called LeMond and apparently laid into him about it.
LeMond has been suing Trek since they dropped his line of bicycles. He thinks Armstrong is responsible. Trek apparently says it’s because they could not get LeMond to stop bad-mouthing Armstrong in the media.
At Interbike last year, during a press conference by Armstrong to announce his personal doping program run by Don Catlin of UCLA, LeMond showed up. He questioned the testing procedures and offered his own methods. Apparently they went back and forth for several minutes before Armstrong thanked him for coming and asked for the next question.
This comes at a time when the sport is suffering heavily from so many doping scandals, the loss of sponsors and money.
Armstrong and LeMond are supposed to go to mediation next week.