It’s reported that in Operation Puerto Fernando Gutierez Ortega, a medical expert took exception with Dr. Fuentes’ and blood doping. He thinks there’s no therapeutic advantage. He says it doesn’t treat the athlete but just increases the training load. Fuentes claimed he restores normal hematocrit levels.
Gutierrez Ortega wrote a report in 2006 about risks with prohibited substances in sport. ” The risks of autotransfusion in this case are much higher than the benefits it has” referring to the possibility of thrombosis (blood clots) and cardiovascular risk. ” An Athlete who is detects a low hematocrit must in my view be treated with rest and lawful methods as treatment with iron or folic acid, and not use an auto which has by definition risk ” , argued the medical expert. Gutierrez Ortega concluded by stating that the blood could ” be considered a drug “to the extent that it could have a healing function. With prior drug use, crime against public health may be advanced by the courts.