Other News

About Peloton Post

ABOUT Beth Schneider started PelotonPost to share photos and travel adventures as well as the races, the fans, the action, ambiance, cultures, people, cuisines and locales. All kinds of adventures are part of covering the sport. It’s great to be working and living in Europe every year, meeting new people […]


 COPYRIGHT   Photographs and artwork on the website are available for purchase for various uses that include display art prints, advertising, web, calendars, books, and editorial.  Copies either electronic or print can be requested by contacting us directly and we will handle all requests with the appropriate photographer or artist.  […]

Sean Yates Fired From Team Sky

Last week, Sean Yates said he never saw any doping or anything suspicious while working as a director at Team Sky or when he rode with Lance.  He drove a team car in 2005 for Discovery. Well, he got fired anyway.  The general manager of Team Sky, David Brailsford, wants […]

Sean Yates Loses Sky Job

Last week, Sean Yates said he never saw any doping or anything suspicious while working as a director at Team Sky or when he rode with Lance.  He drove a team car in 2005 for Discovery. Well, he got fired anyway.  The general manager of Team Sky, David Brailsford, wants […]

Julich Resigns From Team Sky

Julich resigned from his trainer position at Team Sky and released the following statement: Dear Team Sky, family, friends, fans, and supporters of cycling, I would like to preface this statement, by saying that while I don’t expect all of you to believe some of the things that I am […]

VanGarderen Extends BMC Contract

Tejay van Garderen, the winner of best young rider honors at this year’s Tour de France, has extended his contract with the BMC Racing Team, President/General Manager Jim Ochowicz announced Thursday. Future Team Captain In addition to a fifth place finish overall at the Tour de France, Van Garderen won […]