Promoting a Healthy Immune System Naturally

Promoting a Healthy Immune System, Naturally! By Dr. Roanne Rouse Houck, N.D.

Promoting a healthy immune system is not as difficult as you might think! And, many immune boosting diet and lifestyle changes have other benefits too, such as improving energy, sleep, physical performance, moods and stress tolerance. So, with that said here are some basic tips to help keep you and your family healthy.

 The start of good immunity begins where we are first infected with external germs and where we have the greatest concentrations of immune complexes: the nose, mouth, throat and gastrointestinal system.

 NOSE / SINUS: Keeping your sinuses clear of mucus, fungus and unwanted bacteria can be done by using a neti pot daily (or a few times a week) or by adding a dilating and cleansing sinus oil with extracts such as from eucalyptus, thyme, peppermint and lavender either alone, with steam or mixed in saline.

 MOUTH: Limit your intake of sugar, alcohol and “junk foods”. Increase your intake of colors from RED raspberries, BLUE blueberries, ORANGE carrots and sweet potatoes, PURPLE cabbage, GREEN chard and other colorful fruits and vegetables. In addition to a good diet, keep your mouth clean by brushing your teeth twice daily and flossing nightly.

 THROAT: Local honey in herbal tea with added lemon juice helps to decrease your risk of sore throats. Using plain or low sugar yogurt helps keep the mouth, throat and gastrointestinal system colonized with good bacteria.

 GASTROINTESTINAL SYSTEM: Eat when you are relaxed so you can best digest your food and absorb the nutrients your body needs. As mentioned above, eating a diet rich in colors, low in sugars and adding yogurt helps keep your gut healthy. For added benefit, increase your intake of foods containing omega 3 oils which are anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting. These include the ground seeds or oils from: flax, hemp, chia, Alaskan fish, free-range eggs and walnuts.

Other tips:

 SLEEP: 7-9 hours of restful sleep nightly is important for adequate melatonin production, an important immune boosting hormone with anti-oxidant like properties.

 HYDRATION: 60-90 ounces daily, or approximately half your body weight, in fluid ounces of water daily. Herbal teas and low sugar sport drinks can be used for up to half of this fluid intake. Coffee, dark teas and sodas do not count.

 HYGIENE: Keep your hands clean. Washing with gentle soaps after being in public places such as the grocery store or schools and washing before meals is very important.

 EXERCISE: Stay active all year! Exercise and movement should be enjoyed every day for a healthy, happy immune system and to combat those “winter blues”. Some days you’ll do more than others, but try to move your body every day!

 FOOD SENSITIVITIES: Avoid or limit all foods to which you have an allergy or intolerance. If your body is busy making anti-bodies against food antigens it’s not as efficient at making anti-bodies against illness causing virus and bacterial antigens. Consider getting a food sensitivity test if you do not know what foods might be weakening your immune system.

SUPPLEMENTS: As the name implies, supplements are designed to be supplemental to a good diet and lifestyle. Ones to consider: multi-vitamin, vitamin C, vitamin D, omega 3 oils, B-vitamins, adrenal support or an immune formula with anti-oxidants and other immune-boosters.


For more information, Dr. Houck can be reached at the Main Street Clinic in Gunnison. 970-641-5363.