January 4, 2022 – It was a real surprise that Samuele Battistella (Astana-Premier Tech) paid a visit to the Sidi staff.
“I can’t deny that visits from the athletes we support fill me with joy,” confesses Rossella Signori. ‘It was certainly a normal working day but, perhaps because of the festive spirit in the air, it was a really nice present to have Samuele here’.
At the Maser headquarters, the rider literally plunged into the world of craftsmanship, donning an apron and carrying out step by step some of the processes that are part of the manufacture of Sidi footwear. Guided by the artisans and their advice, he worked on his own shoes, experiencing first-hand the attention to detail and meticulousness that makes each product unique.
“It was incredible,” said Samuele Battistella at the end of the day. “I had never seen the production process so closely, and it is really nice to see how much experience is put into each step. The result of this work is there for all to see, but what makes this brand special is the behind-the-scenes: the history, the technology, the time it takes to make true handmade in Italy.”
Battistella also took the opportunity to get lost in Dino Signori’s little museum, among the countless mementos of champions who raced and won with Sidi.
“Shoes are one of the fundamental components for a cyclist and require almost watchmaker-like care,” commented Samuele. “This company is a benchmark for high quality in this sector. It’s exciting to see how many cycling and motorcycling personalities have written glorious pages of sport wearing these shoes. It’s so motivating.”
‘Today we had a great time together with this lovely young man whom we promptly immortalized in photos to put in our albums and keep in our hearts,’ Rosella continues. ‘I must say that he behaved well in production,’ she smiles, ‘now he definitely has more knowledge of the product and we both continually treasure the comparisons that inevitably and fortunately arise at every meeting,’ she concludes.