The BMC Racing Team and Greg Van Avermaet announced Thursday that they are pleased with the decision of the Belgian Cycling Federation, Koninklijke Belgische Wielrijdersbond, to absolve Van Avermaet of any wrongdoing in connection with its investigation of Dr. Chris Mertens.
BMC Racing Team President/General Manager Jim Ochowicz said the acquittal confirmed the team’s decision to allow Van Avermaet to compete while an outcome in the case was reached.
“We never doubted Greg’s innocence,” Ochowicz said. “We are pleased with the decision.”
Van Avermaet said he was relieved to hear the decision.
“I am happy this nightmare is over,” he said. “This has been a hard period for me. Finally, I can focus only on cycling. I want to thank my friends, family and the BMC Racing Team, who supported me.”