19 MARCH, 2022

How do you do that now? How do you go to sleep as if nothing had happened? How do you forget a day like that? How do you pretend it’s normal? Because no, there is nothing normal about this Sanremo: nothing predictable, nothing imaginable.
Shall we begin? Let’s start.
Vincenzo Albanese, eleventh on the finish line, first of the Italians and behind the sacred monsters of this sport. An almost senseless wonder for how beautiful it is, in a race that our team until a year ago only saw on television.
Shall we continue? Let’s continue.
Diego Sevilla and Samuele Rivi, in flight from the first kilometer and there in front until 9 from the end: and this is not normal either, it’s not normal that at Sanremo the day’s escapes go so far: a show of colors, a show in front of people and TV, a show signed EOLO-KOMETA.
And now you can say the words, because we’ve run out of them. In fact, let’s leave the words to them: to the protagonists of today. To the protagonists of a day that was really not normal at all.
Other than “Brividi”: the real Festival is this one.
Samuele Rivi: “I’m tired, I’m finished. It was a beautiful day because I lived it up front, and I like being in a breakaway because you can live the race better and enjoy it more. We thought we’d have a bigger advantage, but at the same time we thought we’d be caught sooner: instead we got along well and arrived at the beginning of the Poggio. Beautiful, anyway: now I have to think about recovering because I’m really finished”.
Vincenzo Albanese: “Great, great team. Great Rivi and Sevilla, who were in front for the entire race. Great all of them. And then, yes, great also the finish: I didn’t manage to enter the ten, but I’m the first Italian and I’m too happy. This race is beautiful, I’ve been watching it and dreaming about it since I was a kid: to have been there in front is wonderful”.