Key points:
Ø Three students from Germany, France and the United Kingdom will have their hearts set on bringing the Tour de France alive on the social networks for the watching public.
Ø Aged from 18 to 27 years old, Sarah, Julien and Tom will experience the exceptional adventure of the Tour de France in less than two months time.
After three weeks of work and thought, the many applicants only had one thing on their minds: to know whether they would be taking part or not in the great adventure that is the Tour de France. Submissions from all over the world caught the eyes of the jury, which carried out an initial selection phase. Afterwards, fifteen potential reporters went on to participate in oral interviews in order to determine the three winners.
Considering the work they had to do, the candidates showed a remarkable involvement. Almost one hundred applications were received; all of them very carefully made. They contained a Snapchat story, a text written in two languages, a video and a photo. The quality and the imagination of the various competitors meant that it was no easy task when the jury had to select who would be heading to Düsseldorf next July.
As a reminder, the team of Digital Reporters will be bringing the Tour de France alive for the public on the social networks, through their new and innovative perspective. The three reporters will be able to cover the subjects they deem to be relevant using the emblematic tools of their generation.
Whilst the profiles from eighteen different nationalities all boasted their own specific assets, the construction of the trio was first and foremost based around a collective notion. Indeed, the different skills of each applicant (proficiency in photography, filming, writing, the social networks, etc.) will mean there is an essential symbiosis within this small team.
Sarah, Julien and Tom, each from totally different horizons, are ready to become the Tour de France Digital Reporters.
– Julien, 27 years old – Germany
Julien is an arts student who speaks several languages, is bursting with new ideas and full of talent for putting them into practice. His mastery of graphics tools and the four languages he speaks will offer excellent creative possibilities to the team.
“I am super happy and proud to have been chosen. I hope everything will go well. This is going to be an amazing experience.”
– Sarah, 18 years old – France
Sarah is a young photographer and already possesses a sharp eye for communication. She will be perfectly capable of using all the tools available for transposing the events of the Tour de France. The content she will propose, in particular visual content, will be a considerable asset to be highlighted on the social networks.
“I am extremely happy. This is a great privilege to have been selected from all the applications. This immersion in the Tour de France is going to be an amazing experience.”
– Tom, 25 years old – United Kingdom
Tom comes from a political background and is an expert in expression, whether in writing or on video. His curiosity and passion for cycling will without any doubt be strengths when conducting interviews. The Tour de France 2014 passed in front of his doorstep in London, but he was working that day and was unable to enjoy the event!
“I’m extremely pleased, excited and honored to be a Digital Reporters. I’m really grateful to have been selected. It’s an amazing opportunity.”